Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas luncheon

On 14th December 2007 a Christmas luncheon was held at Norah Head Sports Club starting at 12-30 pm and 10 members present plus sundry wives.

Don Flint gave a toast for the group, now 6 months old, and a toast to the ladies for their support. A small Christmas gift was presented to the ladies present.

The event closed at 2-30pm.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Re-present Grant

The meeting on 5th December 2007 opened at 2 pm with 8 members present and one visitor George Collie.

After general discussion Jillian Hogan advised that the grant application had been re-presented by Kim Hopkins, Don Flint and herself. The outcome to be announced on 20th
December. Meeting closed at 4-15 pm.